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Almost Famous
2006-01-11, 14:02

Has it really been only six months since Laurana was passed into our care? Our being in China seems like at least a year ago. Maybe I've just aged twice as fast since then.

Laurana decided to celebrate the occasion by waking up at 3am, hungry. I took the brunt of the shift, mainly because H had an important meeting first thing in the morning and needed the sleep more than I did. After feeding her and pretending that she had any interest in sleeping in her crib come 4am, we ended up sleeping on the couch; me on the outer edge of the couch and the baby nestled cozily between me and the back. She fell asleep after only 5 minutes of being tired-mad and then fussy. I actually managed to sleep myself and wake up without an alarm not too much later than I usually do.

Even though events leading up to it were rather unpleasant, the cozy couch nap was nice. I do have the sinking feeling that this is going to go on for a while yet off and on. This poor sleep is really starting to affect my job performance. I feel like it's an effort to get things done that normally I'd breeze through. And new things? They seem overwhelming. Not good, then an ISO audit is on the way and you have some important things to get done by the end of the month.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're headed back to Canada this year. H has already picked us out a week to go up there (as the week-long slots at her boss' cabin were already beginning to fill up), so I'm turning in my vacation request today. Not that turning it in later would be much of an issue, since I'm the only person who does my job any time of the year. Nice not to have to work around another person's schedule.

Hopefully the weather won't be crap this year, as it was the last two years we were there. Last time was the worst: there was one good day at the start of the week, where I was exhausted from driving ten hours after getting three hours' sleep after going to the Music Man cast party. Then it rained pretty much every day until the day before we left and had one good swimming day.

Speaking of community theater, I got a call from my brother on Monday (which is a story in and of itself - he never calls me out of the blue like that; surely he must be on some happy pills of some sort, and, if so, gimme some!). Before I continue, let me explain that he is my older brother by 3 years, we were both in school music and theater programs, and consequently I spent my school days being asked, "Aren't you S's little brother?" and the like. Any younger sibling can empathize, I'm sure. Anyway, he calls me and says, "You're famous!" Which is a nice thing to say under any circumstance, especially one where I suddenly receive lots of tax-free cash. Sadly, this was not that kind of famous. Naturally, I asked why. He was at the local high school (where he gives voice lessons to some students there), and one of the students, presumably one who's involved in theater, asked him, "Say, aren't you James' brother?" This was followed by a conversation between that and another student (both unknown to my brother, so I'll never know who), both expounding on my state of coolness. I'm not sure where this bevy of compliments has been coming from lately, what with my writing and singing/acting skills being highlighted by the faceless public. It's almost like I've done something even close to useful with my life. Yeah, just like that.

-- End Transmission --




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