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I�ve decided that losing hearing in one ear has got to be almost if not equally as bad as losing sight in one eye. Certainly both have their individual disadvantages, but this ear infection experience has shown me how much less enjoyment I would get out of life while not experiencing it in Living Stereo. I�ve found myself having little interest in listening to music. Talking in general is odd because my voice reverberates inside my head. I hear things, but I don�t know where anything�s coming from. That�s the worst part. Now locations of things I can�t see are mainly left to the imagination. My left ear has become more sensitive, mainly cos it�s trying to hear on my left side now as well as my right, so I can hear some things more clearly. I just have no idea where it is. It�s rather annoying in an office cubicle environment, I assure you. All that inane banter over who was better on American Idol last night is coming in loud and clear now, location unknown. How am I supposed to know where to lob the grenade?

It�s now officially throwing all of my senses into a tizzy. I was in the elevator riding up from the basement floor with someo9ne else in the department, and suddenly I could smell cigarettes. I couldn�t tell where the smell was coming from at all, until I realised that it was coming from the other person, who was coming back from a smoke break. I suppose, however, that I could just as easily blame that one on just being exposed to smokers so little anymore that the concept didn�t even register. Which is a good thing, especially being an ex-smoker. I realise that I haven�t thought about having a cigarette in months, probably not since the last time I was at a bar.

I�ve also noticed that I�ve been making a lot more off-the-wall typing mistakes lately, and not just due to volume. I�m sure it�s my ear�s fault.

I�m really looking forward to this event�s conclusion. I think I�m going to eventually celebrate Stereo by listening to a CD on the audio system, something audibly active. Any suggestions?

Speaking of audio activity, we explored some of the Eastern US�s radio choices during our trip to DC this weekend. Not much to speak of, for certain. Especially in PA. There was one area that had, receivable to our radio, a whopping five stations, two of them country and one of them Christian. There was at least one decent station in the Pittsburgh area (and one in the DC area as well), though, a listener-supported station like our WAPS here in the Akron area. Apparently I�m well suited to the 22-45 age demographic. There was one group that I heard over the weekend, Zero 7, that I found intriguing. They�ve got a lounge-jazz-electronica sound that�s appealing to my currently monaural palate. Group bears further investigation.

Something else I learned on our trip this weekend: I really need to learn to drive a standard. As H isn�t really equipped to drive very long distances single-handedly without losing her sanity, I need to be able to trade off with her in the more fuel-efficient Civic, rather than having to be forced to drive the less-efficient Odyssey (yes, we�re a two-Honda family). Generally I�m opposed to standard transmissions - even if they�re cheaper to purchase by a few hundred dollars - for two reasons: a) there�s more parts to worry about keeping up (clutch); and 2) the only person that enjoys the stick-shift experience is the driver. Everyone else just gets whiplash and a queasy stomach. In the interest of sharing and learning for learning�s sake, however, I�ve decided that this is the summer to learn it.

I�m making a concerted effort not to name my minivan Sydo the Agreeable (take a moment to think about it and the name will make sense). Any time I�ve ever named a car I�ve owned, it�s died a horrible death. The last car I had, a �95 Baretta, was ever unnamed and is, as far as I know, playing happily somewhere in North Carolina, deserving of a decent retirement community. I still miss you, Unnamed Baretta.

-- End Transmission --




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