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No-Labor Day
2003-09-03, 12:04 a.m.

Labour Day weekend is over, and with it, peace.

H and I took the dog south into Holmes County, OH (read: B.F.E.) to H's boss's farm house for the weekend. When I say farm house, I mean a house on land that used to be a farm. It is now mostly forested (40 acres worth- no mule, sorry) and, most importantly, quiet. To give you an idea of how the weekend went, we spent Monday in our jammies listening to the rain and playing Scrabble. It was that kind of weekend.

Lame, you say? Possibly. It's true. By god, I'm almost 33 years old, and I like to play word games. And I'm proud of it. I also like to drink myself out of my socks on occasion, so I think it all balances out, in the end. Everything in moderation, right?

And so we returned home, and back to lovely work. The day was blessedly slow, so no immediate stressors. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, dreaming fitfully about work. It's my occasional Sunday night pasttime, dreaming about work. I've done it for years, not just for this latest enterprise. I'm not sure why-- maybe just mental preparation for the coming week. It was especially strong last night though, vivid and repetative. I think my conscious was venting information into my subconscious for daily use. I say this because that is how, I believe, my mind works. I learn things, get overwhelmed by the information, then it sinks into my subconscious (or is it preconscious? I'll have to do a little studying) for instinctial use. Which is a problem, especially when I have to show to someone something that I'm doing, or tell someone what it is I do. It becomes 'that thing I do that I don't think about and just do'. It also hinders my ability to teach. This was evident at my lst jobwhen I saw showing someone else how to do some of the things I did while I was off on vacation. I realised that I had a hard time describing what it was I did cos I just did it, didn't think about it or process it consciously. I'm not explaining this well, so I'm just going to stop there. And people tell me I should be a teacher. Ha. That's just cos I'm good with kids. Though I can teach simpler stuff, elementary level stuff, at a relatable level. But I think I'll just save that for my own children.

Anyway, I've managed to ramble.

Boris, my pet spider, seems to be expanding his empire, i.e. taking up more of the corner above my computer. I may have to curtail him some, as it's reaching the border between curiousity and creepy. Amazingly, H has no problem with me allowing Boris to thrive, as she's pro household spider. As am I, as long as they don't encroach on my daily space. It's natural selection-- the ones who don't stay in the corners or the basement or in the walls get crunched. It's the way of things. Oh, and does anyone have a copy of Care and Maintenance of Common Household Spiders? Just curious, I could use some tips on keeping Boris healthy and happy. Or I could just let him do his thing.

* * *

Upon request (regarding porn, originally), I've decided to post updates on what I'm reading/watching/etc.

Reading: A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace

Watching: not The Daily Show (damn repeats)

Listening To: 100% Fun by Matthew Sweet

Oh, and the porn was College Coed Cheerleaders (please click only if you're 18 or older). It's senseless runting, but hey, it's what was called for at the time. Sometimes you just don't need the badly written storyline.

Damn, but I do love Kazaa.

-- End Transmission --




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