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My Once-A-Day Prescription Of Fukkitol
2006-04-28, 12:30

Oh my dear lord, I am tired. I had yet another bad night of sleep. This time it's just because my schedule's so thrown off. I had a hell of a time getting myself to sleep last night, and not because of the baby this time, either. I think it's just damn hard to run home for work, spend about 45 minutes at home, then run to rehearsal, worry about how badly or not it's going, then get home at 1030-1100pm and expect to wind down quickly enough to get my brain to shut up so I can sleep. I ended up being up and moving (if catching up on episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion via VOD counts as moving) until almost 2am. And it may have taken me upwards of a half hour to finally actually fall asleep. I'm very worried about what kind of condition I'm going to be in tonight for the opening.

But then, I was worried about how I'd do last night, after the previous night of bad sleep. Turns out that when I'm too tired to worry about the lyrics, the blocking, the problems with the show, all the words just sort of fall out of my head. Exhaustion is liberating, apparently. At least this kind of exhaustion: I can't imagine how bad off I'd be right now if I weren't on the CPAP. The tired I'm feeling now is a different kind of tired - it feels different. There isn't that sense that my life force is bleeding out of my chest; I just feel like I really, really need to catch up on sleep. Of course, I've been feeling that way for longer than I'd care to remember, but still, it's different. It feels like something I could easily recover from. Maybe with the help of a sleep aid, for the first time in my life. I've taken meds that were meant for colds that I had, but knowing it would also make me loopy and sleepy, but I've never actually taken anything specifically for putting me to sleep. I may need to try it, though.

This morning I was waking up to my normal 'net routine of checking the headlines and my Google Reader (yes, I am, in fact, a GoogleBot, a whore for All Things Google; my Calendar is filling up, my homepage is fully customized (in multiple techniques) and I'm even building a Googlepage), for my daily dose of blog/journal entries, and in Wil Wheaton's bloggy this morning, and he wrote about a "hawsome" cartoon he just got a job to voice for Nickelodeon:

Kyle and Rosemary meet in a MMORPG, and the show takes place both in the game, where I will get to voice Kyle's alter ego, Sir Horace, and in the real world, where Kyle and Rosemary can't hang out, because she is a goth and he is a geek.

I think it's very cool that online culture - something that's a lot more prevalent than Joe Average realizes - is starting to creep into the mainstream. Not having been a part of online gaming for a good long time, I'm really a little out of touch with how things operate these days, socially, but I imagine the basics haven't changed all that much. I just wish that the idea would have popped up back in the late 90's, back when cybersex was still done mainly on IRC (or is it still? I know not) and Diablo had its PKs and PPKs, and you could watch some tweek spending an hour trying the item duplication switcheroo trick and hacking other player's equipment away. Now that's some entertainment. It'll be interesting to see if/how the writers for this forthcoming toon try and incorporate actual social memes and lingo from the online world. For instance, will Kyle's online persona ever "totally pwn" anyone? Tune in next time, when Spiderman says, "Waaaah waaah waaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaaahh."

Time for lunch, and hopefully a good nap.

-- End Transmission --




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