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Me Need Culture and Sun

Lacking seriously in social and cultural exposure? Then you must be me.

I have once again reestablished that February is my least favourite month of the year, followed closely by the ever-harrowed May (the month wherein I historically lose jobs). I don't want to have to be thankful for seeing five minutes of sun; our star, eternal enough for my purposes to be a reliable constant, is something that I'd much more prefer to take for granted. Surely, it can't mind, being a ball of hot gas and all. And a liquidy center! Mmmm... I think February tries to overcompensate for being the shortest month of the year by trying to make itself seem Excruciatingly Long. And dark.

About the culture exposure thing: basically, it's a fear of having none for a long time, due to minimizing expenditures for larger concerns, then getting walloped with a whole dang lot of it all at once and getting completely overwhelmed. At least, that's part of my concern. The other part is having my wits dulled to a fine knob (heh-- knob) and thus killing my ability to pretend that I'm a humorous intellectual. You may have noticed I've been writing less recently; there you go. Couple that with watching the slow death of the US, not to mention other circumstances which shall be unnamed at this time and in this format, and it's a bleak time for the James, mentally and emotionally. And physically- I haven't felt this physically crappy in quite a while. This mostly-sitting-on-my-ass job isn't helping much, especially with winter keeping from my lunchtime walks. Another reason to hate February.

Invention idea strikes! I'd share it with you, but I might actually look into pursuing this concept (assuming someone hasn't already come up with it). Let me just say that it involves sound and portability. Finally, my life-long dream of having game show sounds available fort immediate use may come true. Ding! Correct!

I am both happy and sad to say that my wife was only half right about something. Unfortunately, I was completely wrong; so it's only a 25% win for me. It was on the word 'dissemble', which I'd taken to using recently. I just like the sound of it. I'd thought it meant the opposite of 'assemble'; basically a different version of disassemble, which looks, feels and sounds much clunkier ("No disassemble!"). H was sure I was using it wrong, and wasn't sure at all that it was an actual word. I knew I wasn't getting a squiggly-red when I used it in Word, so it was an actual word. Right-clinking into the thesaurus (a deadly beast from the Triassic), however, set me straight. To 'dissemble' is to put off, stall beat around the bush or otherwise dither. Dang. I really don't like 'disassemble'. Now I need to find another word for referencing entropy in action.

Approacheth the weekend, wherein happens not too terribly much, for a change, at least that I can recall. This will, of course, mean that it'll be cleaning and prepping for basement room assembly. We need to find someone to get an extension installed to our electrical breaker system, and look for advice on where to start on the walls. We need to get this info soon, as our neighborhood handyman and his family are headed to Hawaii for two weeks. Lucky ducks. I hope they bring some sun back with them; I'm sure I have a jar sitting around somewhere for them to use.

-- End Transmission --

Mimi Smartypants

inane soft jazz

like I'm recovering from my cold

Terror Alert Level

Cost of the War in Iraq
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In Rainbows - 2008-02-19
DnD 4.0 Goes Web 2.0 - 2008-02-05
Religion Quiz - 2008-01-22
Song Idea - 2008-01-18
Oughta Be In Pictures - 2007-11-29

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